Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Harvest Day Celebration & Green Care Day - 31st May 2009

It was a bright hot Sunday afternoon that saw a gathering of some 200 residents and guests of Goldhill Garden Estate giving RADM (NS) Lui Tuck Yew, Acting Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts and MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC a big warm welcome to the Harvest Day Celebration at its Community Garden. Mr Lui also officiate as Guest 0f Honour at the 'Green Care Day' event jointly organised by Goldhill NC and two sponsors, Colgate Palmolive and Hills Pet Nutrition. Employees of both companies led by their bosses came in full force to join residents in a 'big sweep' clean-up of the Goldhill Garden Estate.

It was a hectic afternoon as everyone joined in cleaning the areas adjoining the Community Garden and later helped to plant some fruit trees and in reaping the various vegetable crops awaiting to be harvested.

After taking time to go on a walkabout and house visit to Goldhill Estate and Barker Road neighbourhoods, Mr Lui joined residents and guests in a big makan party at the Communinity Garden. On offer was a good buffet spread, satay, and laksa but the most sought-after were the various 'home-cooked' dishes being served by some of the residents.